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美['noʊtɪs]  英['nəʊtɪs]
vt.  注意;留心;通知
n.  通知;注意;布告
  过去式:noticed  过去分词:noticed  现在分词:noticing  第三人称单数:notices


  1. (预先)通知,公告,布告,通告,贴示
  2. 注意,察觉
  3. 短评,评介
  4. 警告
  5. 介绍
  6. 情报,消息
  1. 注意,留意,留心
  2. 评论,评介(新书)
  3. 通知,正式通知
  4. 提到,提及 ,说到,谈到
  5. 招呼
  6. 客气对待
  7. 介绍,简要介绍
  8. 引起注意,引人注目
  9. 表示与(某人)认识
  10. 注意到,看到,意识到


  1. [C]布告,通告,启示 a written or printed statement giving information or directions to the public
  2. [U]预告,通知 a warning or information about sth that is going to happen
  3. [U]注意 attention
  4. [U]评价,短评 a statement of opinion, especially in a newspaper. about a new book, play, etc.
  1. vt. & vi. 注意 pay attention to, especially with the eyes


  1. an announcement containing information about an event;

    "you didn't give me enough notice" "an obituary notice"

  2. the act of noticing or paying attention;

    "he escaped the notice of the police"

  3. a request for payment;

    "the notification stated the grace period and the penalties for defaulting"

  4. advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract;

    "we received a notice to vacate the premises" "he gave notice two months before he moved"

  5. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement;

    "a poster advertised the coming attractions"

  6. polite or favorable attention;

    "his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice"

  7. a short critical review;

    "the play received good notices"

  1. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of;

    "She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water" "We found traces of lead in the paint"

  2. notice or perceive;

    "She noted that someone was following her" "mark my words"

  3. make or write a comment on;

    "he commented the paper of his colleague"

  4. express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with;

    "He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway" "She acknowledged his complement with a smile" "it is important to acknowledge the work of others in one's own writing"


  1. give notice通知
  2. hang up a notice张贴布告
  3. have notice of接到…的通知
  4. issue a notice发出通知
  5. paste up a notice贴布告
  6. place a notice张贴通知
  7. post a notice张贴布告
  8. put a notice刊登启事
  9. put up a notice张贴布告
  10. receive notice收到通知
  11. receive notice of a storm收到有风暴的预告
  12. send (off) a notice发出通知
  13. serve notice警告,公布
  14. attract notice吸引注意,惹人注目
  15. bring to notice使注意到
  16. come into notice引起注意
  17. come to sb's notice受到某人的注意
  18. come under sb's notice受到某人的注意
  19. escape notice被疏忽
  20. get favorable notice得到好评
  21. take notice of注意,理会
  22. win notice赢得注目
  23. give one's employee a month's notice通知雇员一个月后离职
  1. formal notice正式通告
  2. further notice另行通知
  3. immediate notice立即通告
  4. printed notice打印的通知
  5. prompt notice立即通告
  6. public notice公告
  7. special notice特别通知
  8. timely notice及时的通知
  9. brief notice短评
  10. particular notice特别注意
  11. proper notice适当的注意
  1. book notices书评
  2. mass meeting notice开群众大会的通知
  1. notice a book注意到一本书
  2. notice a wallet注意到一个钱包
  3. notice number of the car注意到汽车的牌号
  4. notice the detail注意细节
  1. at a moment's notice一接到通知就
  2. at short notice一接通知
  3. on short notice一接到通知(马上就…)
  4. without notice不预先通知,不另行通知
  5. leave without notice不辞而别,擅自离开
  1. notice by从…注意到
  1. notice curiously好奇地注意
  2. notice dispassionately冷静地注意
  3. notice emphatically强调注意
  4. notice particularly特别地注意


  1. He walked so fast that he didn't notice his wife.他走得太快了,连他夫人都没注意到。
  2. I notice you aren't quite convinced.我感到你还不太相信。
  3. As soon as your application is approved, I will personally notice you.核发登记证时我会通知您。
  1. Information maybe revised without prior notice.数据如有修改,恕不另行通知。
  2. Her appearance attracted my notice.她的外表引起了我的注意。
  3. Meal times are shown on the notice board.告示牌上写有用餐时间。
  4. I posted a notice about it on the bulletin board.我把有关那件事的通告贴在布告栏上。


    notice的基本意思是“布告,通告,启示”,指用以宣传某事的发生或传达某种指示的通知。也可指“预告,通知”,即告诉某人某事即将发生。notice还可指提醒某人对某事引起“注意”。引申可指“评价,短评”。 give notice和have notice中的notice,通常指离职、辞职或解雇等的“通知”,当have notice和give notice后面带有动词不定式时, notice前有时可加不定冠词a。 notice后也可接that引起的从句作同位语、现在分词或动词不定式作其后置定语。
    notice用作动词的意思是“注意”,指将精力全部集中在某一个人或事上,或者看到了某一事件发生的全过程并且对此表示关心。 notice可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、带有疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句作宾语,还可接以不带to的动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。


  1. 这没有被他注意到。

    It escaped his notices.

    It escaped his notice.


    His drawing attracted their notices.

    His drawing attracted their notice.


    These troops were mobilized at a short notice.

    These troops were mobilized at short notice.


  1. 你注意到有人拿走我的橡皮了吗?

    Did you notice anyone to take my eraser away?

    Did you notice anyone take my eraser away?


    Did you notice anyone to leave the room?

    Did you notice anyone leave the room?

    notice是感官动词,其后跟动词原形或 v -ing。